The Rt Hon Boris Johnson
The Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
A. citizen
100 Any Road
Typical Town
Dear Prime Minister,
8th September 2020
Illegal Immigrants
recall reading this Prime Minister: “Only a
Conservative majority can get parliament working again and get Brexit
done so that we can end freedom of movement once and for all.”
I believe, and
others believe that the Conservative party has been somewhat thwarted in
attempts to reduce illegal immigration because of the continuing threat
of the Covid-19 disease and the fact that we are still in a transition
period in our relationship to the EU and that may present legal issues
that need to be overcome.
I believe in common
with many others that at the earliest opportunity illegal immigrants
will be returned to where they came from. There should be no amnesty for
these illegal immigrants. They must be stopped from coming here.
Those who have faith
in the Conservative Party want you to confirm, to promise, that even
though many thousands of illegal immigrants have managed to arrive at
our shores they will be sent from our land the United Kingdom to where
they last came from, if not their home country, no matter how long that
takes. No matter how long it takes and how much it costs they must be
sent away.
Yours Sincerely
A Citizen